List Your Space
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What's next?
Thanks for listing your space! See what's coming next in the steps below.
01. Review
We'll review your submission and email you for any questions or clarifications to create your listing on the website. If you have questions for us, feel free to let us know or schedule a chat! If you don't receive an email from us in 1 to 3 days, please check your spam or contact us!
02. Onboarding
Get started with hosting! We'll send you the steps to onboard including signing our Community Guideline and Terms of Service. Once that's done, we'll publish your storage space listing and send you a link to connect your bank account to receive your monthly payout!
03. Bookings
Congratulations on getting booked! Learn what to do and how to manage storage bookings for your space. Find the step-by-step guide with your onboarding!